Covid-19 Health and Safety Plan
Please take a minute to read through these protocols to familiarize yourself and your dancer with our new procedures. We ask that parents of younger students have a conversation with their child prior to their first dance class back discussing the new rules and expectations regarding social distancing, wearing a mask and dancing in their 6’x6’ square.
Also, every student will be required to turn in a COVID-19 liability waiver upon entering the studio for their first class. They will not be allowed to attend class without a signed waiver. These will be sent out via email to all parents registered for classes a week before classes begin.
Please, do not come to the studio if you have a cough, fever or are sick.
Please, do not come to the studio if you have tested positive, or have had COVID-like symptoms, within the past 14 days.
Please, do not come to the studio if you had close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 or has had COVID-like symptoms, within the past 14 days.
We reserve the right to take temperatures of anyone entering the studio using non-contact, infrared thermometers.
Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 F, or above, will be asked to leave the studio.
Students must come dressed and ready for class.
Students cannot change clothing anywhere within the studio. If you absolutely need to, only use the bathroom in the downstairs waiting room.
Students should bring the absolute minimum inside the studio.
Students can bring their own water with a resealable lid.
Students with multiple classes in one day, that are not back-to-back, will have a separate area for them to wait on the third floor. Other students will not be permitted on the third floor.
Waiting Rooms
The waiting rooms will be limited to students, faculty, and staff.
All parents/guardians, siblings and family members must wait outside in their cars instead of inside the studio. Parents of dancers age 8 and under are encouraged to remain onsite in the parking lot the first week back to classes in case their dancer has any separation or behavior issues.
Dancers should not enter the building until their exact class time. They may wait in their car outside upon arrival until their class time. Please park in a designated parking spot. Do NOT pull up in front of the door or block any access routes.
Everyone, over 2 years old, must wear face masks while entering and exiting the waiting room/studio.
Everyone entering the waiting room/studio must use hand sanitizer. There will be a station right inside the door for your use.
All lost and found items will be disposed of at the end of each business day.
Due to social distancing, individual class sizes will be smaller and available only on a first come, first served basis.
Classes will be shortened for dismissals and cleaning:
45 minute classes will now be 40 minutes
60 minute classes will now be 50 minutes
Face masks will be required for all students taking class. Classes will be restructured to allow for breaks. We will be gifting a special mask to each student on the first day of class.
Faculty must wear face masks during class.
Students must abide by their “assigned” 6’ x 6’ marked social distancing area for that day’s class.
All classrooms, including the floors, equipment, and door handles, will be cleaned after every class.
Students should go to the restroom before coming into the studio.
The restroom will be limited to students, faculty, and staff.
The restroom, including the toilet, sink and door handles, will be cleaned after every class, or use, whichever is more frequent (there will be a sign on the door to “flip” indicating the restroom was used and needs to be cleaned).
Students with classes in the Turquoise Studio will enter through the back door (up the red stairs). Students with classes in the Peach Studio will enter through the downstairs lobby (our normal entrance).
Students will be lined up before entering their respective classrooms and escorted into the studio by their instructor or the instructor’s assistant.
See the separate section titled “What to Do When you Come to Dance” for step by step arrival instructions.
Classes will be dismissed from the doors they arrived in.
Students, over 2 years old, must wear face masks when exiting the studio.
Students will be escorted and dismissed individually by their class.
Non-driving students must be released to a parent/guardian at their designated dismissal door. Parents picking up will be required to wear masks.
Non-driving students will not be released to vehicles pulled up to the door. You must park in a designated parking spot.
See the separate section titled “What to Do When you Come to Dance” for step by step dismissal instructions.
It is recommended you pay online through the Parent Portal. If you must pay in person, you can drop payments of in the lobby during regular business hours. Please wear a mask when you enter. If you do not have a mask on, our staff will ask you to leave the building.
All employees will wash their hands upon entering the studio and take their temperature.
If they feel ill, they will be asked to stay home.
All employees will practice social distancing while at the studio.
Following each class, teachers will sanitize the room (including door handles, the barre, etc), wash their hands and open the door for the next class to enter.
Classes will be shortened to allow for safe entering/exiting and sanitization.
Our COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan is a work in progress and may change at any time. If you have any questions, please email:
But what if my dancer isn’t ready?
If for any reason you are not comfortable or confident in these safety measures, please keep your child home. The following families should keep their dancer home for class:
Anyone uncomfortable with sending their child to the studio for any reason
Anyone with a dancer or family member that feels ill
Anyone living with an immunocompromised family member
Anyone living with or interacting with elderly people on a regular basis
We cannot wait to see everyone again and look forward to safely coming back to dance. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We will send a follow up email before classes begin on Monday that addresses any frequently asked questions.